Every day we are exposed to a vast number of toxic substances that we may not even be aware of – in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environment we surround ourselves in.
To stay truly well, it is vital to help your body clear these toxins. The beneficial nutrients in whole natural foods, and in naturally derived remedies in our detox program, combine to support your body during the detoxification and repair processes.
This digestive repair program is a cleansing, healing program which allows your body’s detoxification and repair systems to recover and function efficiently.
This program is designed to rebalance disturbed intestinal bacteria, restore poor digestion, prevent allergic exposure, and repair the ‘leaky gut’. These factors can all contribute to the entry of toxins from the gut into the body, causing systemic inflammation. This dysfunction of the intestinal wall, and the consequent toxic invasion, is associated with many chronic diseases.
The following protocol can be summarized as a ‘weed, seed, feed’ process:
Needing a quick spring clean?
If you are generally well, but have overindulged recently (e.g. post-Christmas or big celebration) or have completed a full detox and are looking for something to do as an annual or bi-annual ‘spring clean’, you may benefit from the Metagenics Express Detox Program. This program lasts two weeks and should be enough to get you back on track and feeling great!