A naturopath has been trained to specialize in the treatment and prevention of illness through natural means. Following are the services Christos provides:

Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is the use of plants (herbs) to treat illness and enhance wellbeing. Herbal medicine is used to treat a range of disorders including anxiety, arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, migraines, skin problems such as eczema and other disorders.


A form of treatment in which substances (minerals, plant extracts, chemicals or microorganisms) which in sufficient amounts would produce a set of symptoms in healthy persons, are given in minute amounts to produce a ‘cure’ of similar symptoms. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s vital force to heal itself.

Clinical Nutrition

The science of nutrients and how they are digested, absorbed, transported, metabolized, stored, and eliminated by the body. Clinical nutrition will help you have a balanced diet and supplement with recommended nutrients.

Lifestyle Advice

Lifestyle tips include advice about diet, exercise, stress, weight management and strategies to help you make the most of your life.

Bowen Therapy

The Bowen technique is a soft tissue re- laxation technique that restores the body’s innate ability to heal itself. It is per- formed by doing short gentle moves over specific points on muscles and tendons, and then mandatory delays to allow the body to process the changes. It helps the body return to balance.

Flower Essence Therapy

Flower essence therapy is the practice of using flower essences to assist in leading to emotional harmony and spiritual well-being.

Natural Fertility Management

Natural Fertility Management is about offering you holistic, effective and safe solutions throughout your reproductive life from puberty to menopause, preconception health care to maximise the health of your baby, treatments for infertility, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.


Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye.
- The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way he/she lives.
- The color and pattern of your iris is a reflection of the three generations behind you.
Whether you develop your dispositions to the best case or worst case scenario depends on the way you eat, drink, think, live and love.
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